
The article addresses the issue of intertextual links in the educational pedagogical discourse. The research is based on the theoretical findings and provisions of foreign scholars as well as the linguists of the post-soviet information space, who consider the intertextual links in the aspect of M.M. Bakhtin’s dialogic theory. The basic methods of the research are general scientific (descriptive and analytical) and a specific method of linguistic abstraction. The material of the research is a modern coursebook Focus 1, 2, 3, 4 used in teaching a foreign language in mid-school. The main objective of the case study is to specify the notion of intertextuality, define its role in the didactic text, and to analyze the main intertextual markers in the English coursebook. The coursebook is viewed in the plane of the “supertext” where all heterogeneous didactic materials are interconnected in the aspect of their sense and situational context. Intertextuality in the didactic text stands in close relation with the category of addressability. It suggests a dialogic link with other texts, actualizes precedence of the didactic text, ensures intersubject connections and fosters socio-cultural competence of pupils. The author differentiates the notions of inner and outer intertextuality. The intertextual markers in the coursebook are precedent names, utterances, events and texts of different genres. There has been cleared out that the most productive spheres for borrowing precedent names are the social sphere and the sphere of arts; precedent utterances are mostly expressed by complete quotations, proverbs and sayings; precedent situations reflect nationally and universally significant events; precedent texts are adopted authentic text fragments of different genres. Non-verbal intertextual markers are schemes, tables, diagrams and artistic images.

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