
Intertestamental, Apocrypha, NT Use Christopher T. Begg 796. [1QHodayota] Przemysław Dec, Zwój Hymnów Dziękczynnych z Qumran (1QHodajota). Rekonstrukja-przekład-komentarz [The Thanksgiving Scroll from Qumran (1QHodayota): Reconstruction–Translation–Commentary (Teksty z Pustyni Judzkiej 2; Cracow-Mogilany: Enigma Press, 2017). Pp. xviii + 230. Paper N.P. ISBN 978-83-86110-71-1. D.'s book provides a reconstruction of the Hebrew text of 1QHodayota, together with a Polish translation of the reconstructed text and a commentary on this. The reconstruction was produced between 1999 and 2004 and was the subject of D.'s doctoral dissertation, which he defended in 2004. … The reconstruction includes all extant fragments of the text as identified by H. Stegemann. The reconstruction's placement of the fragments differs in many respects from that given by Stegemann and E. Schuller in their 2009 edition of the manuscript and leaves aside the two final columns (27–28) of that edition. At the same time D.'s reconstruction incorporates all fragments that Stegemann and E. Puech have suggested as pertaining to the manuscript. The volume also features D.'s replica of the entire manuscript. The volume's five component chapters are as follows: General information concerning the Hodayot manuscripts as a whole; Reconstruction of Hodayota; the Hebrew text of the manuscript; the Polish translation of the manuscript; and an index of Hebrew words used in the manuscript. [Adapted from published abstract—C.T.B.] 797. [DSS] Antoni Tronina, Reguła Zrzeszenia i inne teksty prawne z Qumran: Adnotowany przekład z hebrajaskiego 1QS, 1QSa, 1QSb, CE, 1QM [The Rule of the Community and other legal texts from Qumran: An Annotated Translation from the Hebrew of 1QS, 1QSa, 1QSb, CD, and 1QM] [Teksty z Pustyni Judzkiej 3; CracowMogilany: Enigma Press, 2017). Pp. 191. Paper N.P. ISBN 978-83-86110-83-4. T.'s book provides annotated Polish translations of the constitutive texts of the Qumran community usually called "Rules" deriving from Cave 1 at the site, which the community observed during the various phases of its existence. The texts in question are not [End Page 257] simply formulations of norms for the group's communal life and involve more than merely a description of the internal structure of the community. In addition to their penal codes and strictures concerning relations with the outer world, the Rules also include such other elements as theological treatises, reflection on Israel's history, and even some liturgical texts. The Rules translated by T. here are the most characteristic documents of the entire Qumran library. Close reading of them points toward a long redactional process preceding the definitive versions attested in the Cave 1 documents. Earlier forms of the documents were in fact discovered in Cave 4. The evidence from both Caves 1 and 4 enabled scholars to trace the formation process of the community from earlier smaller groups and the relationships among those groups. It is impossible to present synoptically the remains of all the manuscripts of the text featured in this book. It may be the case that some of these remains pertain to separate redactions of the above texts. Each translated text is preceded by a general introduction to the given rule that also provides an extensive bibliography. The translations themselves are accompanied by line-by-line commentaries. It is the first such documented Polish translation of the Qumran Rules texts to appear since the pioneering rendering by Witold Tyloch in 1963. [Adapted from published abstract—C.T.B.] Christopher T. Begg Catholic University of America Copyright © 2019 The Catholic Biblical Association of America

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