
The present study describes ten personal values expressed by men and women from two countries, and it explores the relationships between two opposing values, Achievement and Benevolence, specifying Stimulation as a mediator between them. It is further explored whether such a mediation model could be further qualified by age and Gender as moderators. The 40-item Portraits Values Questionnaire (PVQ), measuring ten basic values, was administered to 1,000 young adults from two countries. Hierarchical regression methods were applied to examine mediation and moderation mechanisms.Minor gender and country differences emerged for some of the ten basic values. An indirect relationship among the three selected values was identified. Stimulation was found to operate as a mediator between achievement and benevolence. A conditional process model was established with Gender moderating the Achievement – Stimulation path (men had a steeper slope than women), whereas age moderated the Stimulation – Benevolence path (younger individuals had a steeper slope than older ones). Gender also moderated the Achievement – Benevolence path (men had a steeper slope than women). For men, the association between achievement and stimulation was stronger than for women. For the younger persons, the association between stimulation and benevolence was stronger than for older ones. For women, the level of benevolence was independent of their achievement level. The present analyses shed new light on indirect and differential associations among personal values, adding a novel perspective to research on cognitive mechanisms involved in the ten basic values’ becoming.
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  • The usefulness of the personal values model by Schwartz (1992) has been confirmed by a large body of evidence

  • Aims of the Study The present study aims at exploring the relationships between personal values of achievement, benevolence, and stimulation, where the latter is specified as a mediator between the others that are located on opposite sides of the circumplex model

  • Moderated Mediation Analysis A conditional process model was specified that included stimulation as a mediator between achievement and benevolence, qualified by interactions with gender on the left side and with age on the right side

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The usefulness of the personal values model by Schwartz (1992) has been confirmed by a large body of evidence. The theory distinguishes ten basic values grouped in four dimensions: self-direction, stimulation (Openness to Change), achievement, power, hedonism (Self-Enhancement), security, conformity (Conservation) and benevolence, universalism, tradition (Self-Transcendence). Power and achievement reflect motivations of social superiority and esteem; achievement and hedonism point to self-centered satisfaction; universalism and benevolence address the enhancement of others and transcendence of selfish interests; benevolence and tradition reflect the devotion to one’s in-group; benevolence and conformity are related to normative behavior that promotes close relationships. People who were asked to sort words pertaining to achievement values from other words, were less likely to devote their time to extend social support which is an action associated with benevolence values (Maio et al, 2009)

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