
In this article, the problem of self-organization of the individual is analyzed. At present, self-organization of the individual is considered in many areas of psychological science (A. Ishkov, V. Klochko, O. Motkov). The existence of various approaches to understanding the self-organization of the individual contributed to the emergence of numerous definitions, often not related. Sometimes the self-organization of the personality is interpreted through the prism of similar concepts: "self-development" (E. Uvarov), "self-government" (M. Peisakhov), "self-regulation" (O. Konopkin). However, only the concept of "self-organization of the individual" makes it possible to understand the essence of the intrapersonal processes that underlies the formation of such key structures as motives, goals, ideals (S. Djakov). The article substantiates the reference to the concept of "self-organization of the individual". In Russian psychology, the concept of "personality" is closely related to the notion of "activity" (A. Leontiev, B. Ananiev). Personality manifests itself as a subject of activity, as it is included in social relations and labor activity. The differentiation of characteristics related to the personality or to the subject of activity still raises questions among researchers, since the same characteristics can be attributed to both: to the individual and to the subject of activity. The aim of the work was to study the self-organization of the personality as a process of self-change, taking into account two aspects: personality and activity. Self-organization of activity describes the features of the subject's own activity and includes several stages from goal- setting to the change of activity with a negative result. The personal aspect of self-organization considers the structure of links between individual characteristics and values -semantic units of personality. The resulting integral properties allow the individual to build his behavior in accordance with the assimilated ideals and design his further development. The article considers the possibility of considering the problem of self-organization from two perspectives. The first position is connected with the manifestation of personality as a subject of activity and is based on the systematic and organized nature of the activity that is performed. The second has its own personal aspect and analyzes the structure of the connections between motives and personal qualities. The combination of these two positions in an empirical study leads to an understanding of the individuality of a person.

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