
General election is an important means for the state to ensure the implementation of a government that obtains the legitimacy of the people. In addition, the general election also aims to uphold democracy within sovereign states and ensure the implementation of the human rights of the citizens. Likewise in Indonesia, which periodically conducts general elections every 5 (five) years. General elections in Indonesia have undergone a shift from closed mechanical systems to open mechanical systems since 2004. This is influenced by the reforms that uphold the democracy and sovereignity, as well as respect for the political rights of citizens. The open mechanical system has variations since its use in 2004 to date, especially concerning the valid vote in the election. Therefore, this research will focus on analysing democracy that is being implemented in the election through open mechanical system, and various variations in open mechanical mechanical system in Indonesia. This research will be conducted by using normative research method by using primary legal materials in the form of laws governing the election, as well as secondary legal materials from various literature and scientific articles related to the problems discussed in the research. The results will be presented iin the form of problem description with analysis of the variety of open mechanical systems practiced in Indonesia. This study portrays the elections that are carried out honestly has manifested democracy and sovereignty of the people in the country. Furthermore there are various weaknesses of democratic interpretation in the variation of the implementation of open mechanical systems in elections in Indonesia.


  • Demokrasi merupakan konsep umum yang diterapkan di seluruh negara-negara modern dengan mendasarkan pada prinsip kedaulatan rakyat dan pemenuhan hak-hak politik warga negara

  • General elections in Indonesia have undergone a shift from closed mechanical systems to open mechanical systems since 2004

  • This research will focus on analysing democracy that is being implemented in the election through open mechanical system, and various variations in open mechanical mechanical system in Indonesia

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General election is an important means for the state to ensure the implementation of a government that obtains the legitimacy of the people. Oleh karena itulah akan dilakukan kajian mengenai berbagai variasi mengenai implementasi sistem mekanis terbuka tersebut dalam pemilu di Indonesia. Berdasarkan uraian Pendahuluan tersebut, maka dapat dikemukakan rumusan masalah yaitu: pertama, apakah sistem pemilu mekanis terbuka telah sesuai dengan prinsip demokrasi dan kedaulatan rakyat? Dengan demikan maka tulisan ini bersifat deskriptif analisis.Penelitian hukum deskriptif bertujuan untuk menentukan ada tidaknya hubungan antara suatu gejala dengan gejala lain dalam masyarakat.[6] Selain itu, penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan gejala-gejala di lingkungan masyarakat terhadap suatu kasus yang diteliti, pendekatan yang dilakukan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif yang merupakan tata cara penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif.[7] Digunakan pendekatan kualitatif oleh penulis bertujuan untuk mengerti atau memahami gejala yang diteliti.8Dengan kata lain untuk menentukan kesesuaian sistem pemilu yang dianut dengan nilai-nilai demokrasi dan kedaulatan rakyat yang diadopsi dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia

Pembahasan Pemilu Dalam Suksesi Pemerintahan Negara
Peraturan Perundangan
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