
The article is a result of research of role played by an international public associa­tion “Internet Engineering Task Force” in international Internet governance sys­tem. The object of the research is a process of construction of a system of institu­tions which coordinate development of Internet. In the article, potential of non­governmental actors in this area is assessed. The article highlights causes and possi­ble effects of IETF activities as the most highly respected nongovernmental associa­tions which try to solve one of the urgent problems of world politics – transforma­tion of an existing approach to Internet governance. IETF approach is compared with approaches of other nongovernmental organizations and public associations such as ICANN, W3C and WaSP. The conclusion is made that authority of IETF in the community of Internet projects developers enables this public association to de­fine the key characteristics of technological policy in Internet evolution. Thus, IETF is considered as one of the key actors of international system of Internet gover­nance. Also, the importance of IETF-like associations has been underestimated by governmental actors yet. This underestimation determines Russian, Chinese and Iranian attacks on ICANN. These states support a project of full internationaliza­tion of Internet governance and consider ICANN as an organization which controls the Internet for the benefit of the United States of America. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-28

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