
The issue of substantiation of the role of domestic stakeholders in the formation of financial resources to provide state forest enterprises with assets in a modern competitive market environment is covered. The main motivational approaches to the development of forestry of owners and employees of state and municipal enterprises through the creation of profits and labor costs are considered. The system of internal stakeholders is substantiated and mutual expectations and threats of business, owners and employees of enterprises are determined. A comprehensive analysis of the participation of internal stakeholders of state forestry enterprises in ensuring their economic activities is performed.
 It is established that in the field of forestry and logging in 2020, 56.0 thousand employees were employed, for which enterprises bear costs of about UAH 8 billion. (37.3% of net income), and their participation in the formation of financial resources according to the balance sheet is more than 8% of asset value. The state, as the owner and internal stakeholder of forestry enterprises, is investing UAH 5.7 billion in the creation of their own capital. (47.5% of total assets).
 It is substantiated that internal stakeholders are stakeholders who directly participate in the economic activity of the enterprise as its resource potential, through the system of management functions or operations of the technological process endowed with the ability to influence the development and competitiveness of business, and their interests directly depend on business results.
 In relation to the state policy for forestry enterprises, the expediency of changing the distribution of value added created by them by elements of taxes, profits and depreciation is recognized. Emphasis is placed on such ways of stimulating the activity of employees as the participation of employees in the distribution of created added value, the formation of the social package and in investing income in equity.

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