
Studies of materials and indicators on accounting and coverage of information on land management and forest management of state forestry in Ukraine. Certain inconsistencies of the current normative legal acts and indicators of the state and dynamics of the accounting category of land use «Forestry lands» were revealed. In particular, regarding the assessment of rational use and protection of lands, which are the basis for the implementation of the Land Reform. There are, in particular, in the form 6 — ZEM and in the materials of the state account, not modernized terms and their description. The category of accounting «Forestry lands» in the Land and Forest Codes of Ukraine, in the scientific and practical lexicon did not receive due attention and distribution as an object of labor, an object of identified land use in state forestry. Do not match the description in the Forest and Land Codes of Ukraine. The issue of organizational and economic accounting of land of the accounting category «Forestry lands» remains poorly regulated. The annual report still retains the description — «Forest lands include lands covered with forest vegetation, as well as not covered with forest vegetation and others» for forestry purposes». The category of accounting «Forestry lands» in the Land and Forest Codes of Ukraine, in the scientific and practical lexicon did not receive due attention and distribution as an object of labor, an object of identified land use in state forestry. Do not match the description in the Forest and Land Codes of Ukraine. The category of accounting for «Forestry lands» is placed in Article 19 of the Land Code of Ukraine under item «e», i.e. in 7th place, which does not comply with current principles of European legislation, not to mention the physical aspects of forest distribution in Ukraine. Again, the practice in Ukraine faces deadlines. It turns out that forestry science is increasingly moving away from the identified responsibilities and reporting of public forestry entities. The industry is less and less monitoring the state of forests according to estimates of the use of productive capacity of land by types of forest vegetation conditions. It turns out that forestry science is increasingly moving away from the identified responsibilities and reporting of public forestry entities. The industry is less and less monitoring the state of forests according to estimates of the use of productive capacity of land by types of forest vegetation conditions. In addition, the management in the state forestry in its powers only «ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of forestry and hunting», does not form it. That is, it does not develop relevant regulations, which is a certain flaw in the current forest legislation and needs to be changed. Specific measures are proposed to improve the legislation, accounting and state reporting in forestry, as well as the basic scheme of division of forest lands by accounting categories of division and administrative reporting of forestry and other enterprises of the State Forestry Agency of Ukraine.

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