
The issue of professional foreign vocabulary development among the students majoring in textile production is examined in this paper. Interdisciplinary context as integration of technical and humanitarian scientific disciplines is considered a leading factor in activating professional motives and developing professional competence. The conducted study revealed that professional terminology identified as a complex system includes both general scientific and highly specialized lexical terminological units and rules for their combination and use, as well as knowledge of professional communication principles. The authors suggest dividing professional language studies into three stages. The contents of the preparatory stage are to develop communicative competence based on general-interest or country-specific texts. The developing stage provides for gradual transition to learning professional foreign language with general scientific, technical and popular science texts used as teaching resources. The purpose of the practice-oriented stage is to develop professional language proficiency. This stage includes experimental aspect of teaching based on interdisciplinary integration and preparation of creative tasks. Study of etymological basis of the most common textile terms illustrates a way of forming a motivated attitude towards terminological vocabulary acquisition and gives a different view of the problem of mastering professional terminology.

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