
Before the new world scenarios, graduates of public universities require new skills and competencies in the management of information and technologies capable of solving real contemporary problems. Entrepreneurship gains value and sets trends for its incorporation into educational programs, including basic education, aimed at solving real problems in the field, outside the classroom. The validated methodologies Design Thinking and Lean Canvas were used for the detection of problems and development of solutions with a business vision with sustainable impact. Two groups, from different careers, created a multidisciplinary course with an emphasis on meaningful learning per session, with products from each stage of the process, from the final portfolio. A satisfaction survey was applied to the students at the end of the course. The results of educational practices developed entirely in an immediate geographical environment, in a multidisciplinary way, with the focus on the solution of contingent socioeconomic problems are presented; The data obtained in the evaluation of the learning signified by the students are analyzed to know their perceptions of the immersion experience in a target locality and the creation of their projects with individual business potential and elaborated in a collaborative way.

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