
The article studies main developments in Inter-Arab relations and its eventual implications on the Syrian crisis. The author pays special attention to the historical preconditions of Arab’s interaction in the 20th century, focusing on its actual political, ethnic, ideological, regional dimensions that formed security and political environment for the Syrian Reconciliation. The author studies current situation in Syria in view of abilities to peacefully resolve the conflict by political instruments rather than military options. Main attention is paid to Arab’s politics towards Syrian conflict and its ability to emerge Damascus from political isolation and support Syrian reconciliation processes. Political steps and tendencies of major regional and international players in the Syrian crisis are analyzed with regards of some differences among Arab states. The author supposes and demonstrates that the further developments depend on the way Arab states interact with Russia, Turkey, and Iran in the field of Syrian crisis to provide transformation of their previous agreements on the security system in Syria. The author believes that despite all the complexity of this crisis and specific of Inter-Arab relations peace in Syria is quite possible. A lot depends on political will and the readiness for mutual compromises between key internal and external actors in the Syrian crisis.

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