
The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to analyze the situation of the Middle Eastern subsystem of international relations during the disorganization of the Global system of international relations. Considering the Middle East as a system, it is necessary to understand what the elements of the system are, how they interact with each other, what is the environment for the Middle East system and how it affects the development of the system. The analysis of these factors is necessary to understand with which basis the Middle Eastern system of international relations enters a period of global transformation. According to the results, the author makes the conclusion that the Middle East is losing its importance in world politics. A possible prospect is to occupy a middle position between the new world-political center — the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe, which has lost its global significance. The declining role of the collective West and the strengthening of alternative centers of power are forcing Middle Eastern countries to change their policies. The emerging situation allows the states of the region to move away from the principle of alliance, from focusing on one country, and choose the path of a multi-vector policy. In addition, in the current decade, the factor of the external environment will also determine the vector of development of the Middle Eastern system, but the role of the external determinant in internal processes will be significantly reduced.

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