
Objective — review and study of the efficiency of formation personal, professional qualities, necessary knowledge, and skills of medical students using interactive methods in the study of discipline Biology. Material and methods. Introduction to the educational process of interactive learning methods for knowledge acquisition, problem-solving skills, practical skills, professional motivations, and mastering of educational research skills in teaching process of the discipline at the Medical Biology Department of I. Horbachevsky TNMU. Results. The article reveals the peculiarities of modern pedagogical technologies application, which provide optimization of educational process in higher medical institutions. Interactive learning technologies are one of the innovations in the education area that are based on a student-centered approach, and aimed at developing their cognitive activity and also their thinking and responding ability by improving their communication skills. Interactive methods and technologies applying at the Medical Biology department of I. Horbachevsky TNMU not only changes the role of the teacher, but the student becomes a full participant in the educational and cognitive process. The brief description of the interactive methods is illustrated by specific examples from the teaching experience of medical biology teachers. Conclusions. Each method of interactive technology is effective and efficient only if used appropriately. In education these methods allow for achieving potential outcomes not only by integration and deepen of first year student knowledge, but also to acquire the proper level of mastering their content elements: knowledge, skills, professional motivations, educational research experience, etc. This contributes to improving the teaching quality and does not allow the traditional learning tools depreciating, as well as the teacher decisive role in the educational process.


  • Мета роботи — огляд та вивчення ефективності формування особистісних, професійних якостей, необхідних знань, умінь і навичок у студентів‐медиків засобами інтерактивних методик при вивченні дисципліни «Медична біологія»

  • The article reveals the peculiarities of modern pedagogical technologies application, which provide optimization of educational process in higher medical institutions

  • Interactive learning technologies are one of the innovations in the education area that are based on a student-centered approach, and aimed at developing their cognitive activity and their thinking and responding ability by improving their communication skills

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Мета роботи — огляд та вивчення ефективності формування особистісних, професійних якостей, необхідних знань, умінь і навичок у студентів‐медиків засобами інтерактивних методик при вивченні дисципліни «Медична біологія». Інтерактивні технології навчання виступають одними з інновацій у галузі освіти, які базуються на особистісно-орієнтованому підході до студентів та спрямованих на розвиток не лише їхньої пізнавальної діяльності, але й на вміння мислити й швидко реагувати, покращуючи комунікаційні навички.

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