
According to the conducted analysis of scientific works, we determined that creative activity is an important factor in the harmonious development of personality, and interactive learning technologies – a means of developing creative skills. The use of interactive technologies in the educational process will contribute to the comprehensive development of primary school children, the disclosure of the potential of each child with special educational needs. The purpose of scientific work is to highlight the features of the development of creative skills of primary school children with special educational needs using interactive technologies. The methods of research determine the theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources, in order to reveal the theoretical foundations of this research problem. In particular, the author identifies the theoretical foundations of this research problem. The meaning of the concept of «creative skills» is revealed, the skills that belong to the creative ones are singled out: thinking outside the box, seeing the problem and finding ways to solve it, generating non-standard ideas, analyzing information, etc. The main factors on which the development and formation of creative skills depend are outlined. The focus is on the purposeful influence of the teacher and the assimilation of theoretical and practical material, which determine the effectiveness of the development and formation of creative skills of students.Particular attention is paid to the process of socialization of the individual, through which creative skills are realized. Emphasis is placed on its urgent need for children with special educational needs. Interactive technologies have been identified as an effective way to establish communication and establish partnerships. The essence of interactive learning as an active form of interaction of all participants of the educational process is revealed. Interactive technologies for optimizing the educational process in primary school for children with special educational needs are proposed: cooperative learning, collective-group learning, situational modeling, discussion of issues. Interactive methods are recommended that will promote the development of creative skills in primary school students with speech disorders. Attention is focused on the need to take into account the peculiarities of rehabilitation and training to realize the potential of a child with special educational needs. The results of the study show that the active introduction of interactive technologies in the educational process stimulates the need of students to realize their inner potential and promotes the development of creative skills that are important for successful socialization in society.


  • we determined that creative activity is an important factor in the harmonious development

  • The use of interactive technologies in the educational process will contribute to the comprehensive development of primary school children

  • The purpose of scientific work is to highlight the features of the development of creative skills

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РОЗВИТОК ТВОРЧИХ УМІНЬ МОЛОДШИХ ШКОЛЯРІВ З ОСОБЛИВИМИ ОСВІТНІМИ ПОТРЕБАМИ З ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ ІНТЕРАКТИВНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ За результатами вивчення наукових праць визначено, що саме використання інтерактивних технологій в освітньому процесі сприятиме всебічному розвитку молодших школярів, розкриттю потенційних можливостей кожної дитини з особливими освітніми потребами. Метою наукової роботи є висвітлення особливостей розвитку творчих умінь молодших школярів з особливими освітніми потребами із використанням інтерактивних технологій.

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