
For future specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, mathematical competence is the basis for training. Based on previous research, we have proposed a future engineers mathematical competence formation model. It relies on the appropriate psychological and pedagogical mathematical competence formation conditions. An important place among these conditions takes the innovative teaching methods using, which include interactive technologies. The advantage of interactive learning methods is the high efficiency in the learning process and acquiring appropriate skills. This will make future engineers to think critically and consciously find ways of a variety of engineering problems solving. The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of using an interactive learning technologies in the process of the mathematical competence of future specialists of the engineering industry formation in the study of physical and mathematical disciplines. The article presents a didactic model of using an interactive teaching methods in the process of studying particular topics of physical and mathematical disciplines. This didactic model is given for the subjects «Higher Mathematics», «Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics», «Applied Mathematics», «Mathematical Programming», «Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling» and «Physics». The proposed model of interactive learning methods implementation is based on the gradual, step-by-step, logical using of interactive learning methods from the simplest to the most complex. This technology includes: an interactive learning methods implementation in traditional forms of training of engineers; using a wide range of methods of active learning in a educational process; a comfortable learning conditions organization in which all students actively interact with each other; targeted development of an online learning methods for selected topics. The content and types of interactive learning are described and examples of using these methods in the system of forming mathematical competence of engineers are given. The use of interactive technologies contributes to the development of students' critical thinking skills and cognitive interests. Interactive learning methods allows to: involve the whole group in active work; learn to reason a thoughts logically; to develop the ability to make common decisions; to improve the level of understanding the core of modeling of technological processes and systems; raise the level of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities usage.

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