
Subject. This article discusses the issues of the relevant reflection of intellectual capital, as a relatively new category in the management system of higher education institutions, in the KPI system. Objectives. The article aims to systematize and assess the completeness and relevance of information on intellectual capital in the KPI performance indicator system of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of quantitative and systematic analysis, grouping and generalization of data, a systems approach, the composition of logical relationships, and the formulation of critical comments and conclusions. Results. Based on the analysis of the indicators of the leading Russian university regarding the full disclosure of information about intellectual capital in the published strategic reporting, taking into account foreign experience in the formation of KPI of intellectual capital by European universities and general indicators developed by the international organization World Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), the article reveals WICI indicators describing the state of client capital objects that can be adapted to the specifics of scientific and educational activities and included in the KPI of the Financial University. Conclusions. Indicators characterizing the state and development of human and structural capital were found in the reporting of foreign universities. They are not reflected in the Development Programme of the Financial University and are of interest for further improving the system of performance indicators of the University.

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