
Social-media-apps are often used as the digital learning resources to promote critical thinking skills during the acquisition of a second language (L2). Critical thinking is a vital skill to improve L2 learning. This study examines the integration of social-media-apps to improve the acquisition of a second language, but also shows this presents challenges in terms of cognition. This mixed-method study uses a combination of quantitative testing and qualitative focus groups to collect data. The results demonstrate that social-media-apps used on personal computers and mobile phones have the potential to change the behavior of L2 learners. This includes integrating L2 learning into their daily life, creating new ways of acquiring a L2, the ways a L2 is interpreted, and creating opportunities for L2 learners to interact and develop new relationships in their acquired language. Moreover, the results highlight that integration of social-media-apps provides challenges in terms of cognition L2. Apps, such as Wechat, QQ, LinkedIn, Wiki, and Weblog enhance the cognition of L2 learners and student attitudes towards learning. Particularly, social-media-apps are used to facilitate second language acquisition, transfer knowledge, assess self-learning, integrate critical thinking skills within SLA, and provide challenges for L2 learners.

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