
This article analyzes the integration and cluster relations in literary education. In particular, the concept, forms and functions of the non-traditional course in literary education, the features of the integrated course of non-traditional literature, the integration of the course of literature with the sciences and such areas as the native language, history, and art are studied. The article defines the concept of "cluster of literary education" and lists the integrated forms of literary education. Literary education is now going through a difficult period. The content and form of education are changing, and new approaches are being introduced that reflect the content of literary education in new curricula. New approaches to learning have a tradition of putting the student at the center of the learning process and creating all the conditions for him or her to receive a quality education. This is directly related to the process of literary education as a person-centered approach to education. More and more attention is paid to the humanistic principle of literary education, the revival of national values in the context of universal culture. The purpose of literature lessons is to teach the student to pay attention to the content of the training, to instill in him a love for the literary word. This helps the student to feel the unity of the world and the person. An integrated approach to literary education and its cluster coordination can greatly help in solving these problems.

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