
Urgency of the research. The study of the domestic practice of export credit insurance is due to the need to intensify the export activity of enterprises. Target setting. An important condition for stimulating the activity of export-oriented enterprises is the formation of an effective mechanism for lending export operations and ensuring the insurance protection of property interests of foreign economic entities. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Scientific works of such scientists as K. S. Barabash, Ye. O. Boyko, M. V. Karyakina, L. B. Kolinets, M. S. Klapkiv, G. S. Timofieva is devoted to the study of the problems of creating an export credit protection system. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The peculiarities of the formation of the mechanism of insurance of export credits in the conditions of the necessity of growth of domestic exports are insufficiently investigated. The research objective. Identification of the main shortcomings of the organization of insurance protection of export activity in Ukraine and determination of the directions of improvement of the mechanism of state support for insurance of export credits. The statement of basic materials. The article substantiates the necessity of forming a system of insurance protection of export credits with state support. Existing features of the domestic legal and regulatory framework regulating insurance and guarantee of export credits and operation of the Export-Credit Agency are revealed. The author's approach to classification of export credits and types of insurance of export credits is offered. Conclusions. Thus, the practice of developed countries shows that in order to intensify the export activity of domestic commodity producers, it is necessary to form a system of insurance protection of export credits with state support.

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