
. In Ukrainian art of the XX–XXI centuries the dominant position has taken by contemporary art. In addition to the traditional art, many trends are being developed based on the various media, such as digital-art, internet-art, VR, interactive art, narrower types of net-art, software-art, game-art, as well as scientific progress — science-art, bio-art and others. All of these practices operate in the realm of technical transformation, where image performs a minor function. Updating of artistic practices is associated with updates to expressiveness. Changes in the artistic process caused by technology development are twofold: related to the update of the facilities and resources and digital technologies. The main characteristic of contemporary art is its interactivity, as the opportunity for the viewer to interact with the artist and to participate in the creation of works. And the biggest difference between digital and traditional art is that it exists only at the time of its creation and requires the immediate presence of the author or viewer.The world of art today has undergone several major changes that have affected all its traditional types and industries, disrupting the development of artistic practices related to the use of new technologies (their impact can be compared with the revolutionary invention of photography and cinema). Technological updates in this collaboration are mostly applied, acting as a «mediator» between the author’sidea and its tangible embodiment. As a result of technical innovations, new principles of exhibition space construction have emerged, and the process of transporting and exhibiting works has been modernized, expanding opportunities for exchange and cultural connections. The opportunity to virtually visit art events on the Internet and view museum exhibits from anywhere in the world, anyone can create art objects, freely distributing them on social networks. This all creates a renewed perception of reality, channelling social experience into the realm of the visual. By its nature, art that responds quickly and acutely to transformation and innovation is beginning to use its full range of technical and scientific achievements

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