
Abstract The efficient management of school room reservations is crucial for maximizing resource utilization and ensuring smooth operations within educational institutions. Traditional room reservation systems often suffer from inefficiencies, leading to underutilization of spaces, scheduling conflicts, and increased administrative burden. This research paper explores the development and implementation of smart and sustainable solutions for school room reservation management. The suggested approach makes use of contemporary technologies to expedite the classroom reservation process, giving teachers, administrators, and students effective means of scheduling and overseeing room reservations. The technology has significantly improved classroom utilization rates and overall operational efficiency in our institution, according to preliminary tests. The school room reservation system provides a scalable solution for improving the management of educational facilities by lowering scheduling conflicts, minimizing downtime between courses, and enabling better resource allocation. Future improvements could incorporate support for mobile platforms, integrate with current school management systems, and introduce new capabilities in response to user feedback and changing needs. In general, the establishment of this school room reservation system is a step toward the modernization of facilities management procedures in academic establishments, which will ultimately lead to the creation of a more efficient and cooperative learning environment. Index Term : Frontend development HTML, CSS, React, Backend NodeJS, Express, MongoDB

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