
Objective: ?e aim of the article is to identify the types of innovations produced by public sector organizations in Ecuador duringthe first months of the COVID-19 pandemic.Theoretical framework: ?e paper builds on systematic reviews of publications on public sector innovation to identify types ofinnovations, antecedents of organizations, both at the external and internal organizational levels, and outcomes of the innovations.Methodology: ?e paper is exploratory in nature and mixes quantitative and qualitative data to characterize innovations. For this,an online survey questionnaire was sent to public servants to identify innovations, and a structured interview was then carried outto flesh out some of the details of the processes of innovation reported.Results: Findings show that most innovations in the Ecuadorean public sector are top-down in nature, and relate to adoptingtechnologies to support existing interventions. ?ese technologies; however, go beyond those used for facilitating telework.Moreover, most innovations are produced in organizations perceived as centralized, where there is continuous support forinnovation. The main finding of this research relates to the presence of specialized units within public sector organizations, whichsupport innovation and help the development of interorganizational networks. This type of unit has been overlooked in theliterature and require further investigation in regards to when and how they bridge between organizations to facilitate lastinginnovations.Originality: The article introduces a distinction between organizations that have direct or indirect interactions with clients orcitizens which helps to take stock of the incentives they may have for innovating. ?e article then identifies the different types ofinnovations produced in public sector organizations when this substantive difference is taken into account.Teoretical and practical contributions: ?e study offers support to findings made in other contexts, while also contributeswith findings that add qualitative depth to the relationships between organizational characteristics, innovation processes, externalfactors and outcomes. It highlights the importance of supporting and strengthening the units specialized on innovation to makethe most out of crises and structural reform.

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