
The infrared absorption spectra of CH2F–CH2F in the gaseous, liquid, and solid states have been obtained with a Perkin-Elmer double-pass spectrometer equipped with CsBr, NaCl, and LiF prisms. While the gas was studied in the spectral range from 6000 to 300 cm—1, the liquid was examined from 6000 to 650 cm—1 and the solid from 3500 to 350 cm—1. In addition, the infrared spectrum of the gas has been recorded at five different temperatures between 25°C and 180°C, and some of the absorption bands have been studied in solution in solvents of different polarities. The Raman spectrum of the liquid at —25°C and 35°C has been photographed with a 3-prism glass spectrograph and polarization measurements have been made. In all three states of aggregation the compound exists as a mixture of rotational isomers. The two isomeric forms (trans and gauche) are about equally stable in the gas, while the gauche configuration is more stable in the liquid state. Tentative assignments have been made of all fundamentals except the lowest fundamental of the trans isomer.

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