
You can’t manage what you don’t measure is wisdom that attributed to Edwards Deming and Peter Drucker (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012). This wisdom is the main background of this research. Many student’s books in higher education explain the importance aspect of information but there is no universal understanding about how could we value the information. Many research conducted to define the indicators of information quality but, there are many varieties in the results. This paper is aimed to study the previous research in information quality and draw the conclusion in information characteristics. The first step in this research is collecting literatures in information quality and identified each indicator in the researches that examine information quality. After indicators identification, we categorized the indicators into few categories. For each category, we analyzed the frequency of each indicators used in research and the country of the authors. From the result, we identified, what quality of information that is the most important and the least important. The value of information will support the decision makers in assigning their resource by considering cost vs benefit.Keywords: information quality, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, relevancy, accessibility

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