
From epidemiological studies experts conclude that wood workers are subjected to an increased health risk of nose and nasal cavity cancer under the influence of oak- and beech-wood dust. That is why, pursuant to Croatian regulations, the limit mass concentration for oak- and beech-wood respirable dust is 1 mg/m3 and for total dust 3 mg/m3. In this study the dustiness of the air surrounding woodworking machines has been researched in two woodworking companies, furniture factory and carpentry. Sampling of respirable and total wood dust from the surrounding air was carried out during workday by the method of personal samplers fixed on workers suit and then the daily dose of workers exposure was determined. Measured mass concentrations exceeded the Croatian limit values: in the furniture factory 16% of samples for respirable dust and 18% for total dust and in the carpentry 38% for respirable dust and 65% of all samples for total dust. In the furniture factory, mass concentration of respirable particles was higher near the belt sander than near the circular saws. At the workplaces of these woodworking machines higher mass concentration of respirable and total wood dust was measured than in the air around other machines, such as spindle moulder, band saw and jointer. In the carpentry mass concentration of respirable particles near the circular saws was significantly higher than near the jointer or lamello router. The highest share of respirable particles in total wood dust are recorded at the workplaces with low concentration of total wood dust and around machines with cutting parameters achieve the lowest value of chip thickness.

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