
Over the past decade more than 70% of all the aviation events have occurred due to the impact of a human factor, meanwhile the reduction of all emergencies should be ensured maintaining the neuro-mental health of aviation personnel. One of the possible functional disorders in the state of the human body is fatigue, which is studied in detail by the International Civil Aviation Organization specialists and described in the publications of the supervision manual over the use of fatigue control mechanisms. Fatigue can result from the long-term work of aviation specialists, whose activities, as a rule, are associated with the use of digital information displays. Within the framework of professional competence, these displays, being a valuable resource, allow aviation staff to perform their duties competently. Nevertheless, displays, distinguishing in various characteristics such as a type of matrix, resolution and the screen diagonal, exert varied influence on the aviation specialist’s working capacity and fatigue formation. Empirical data in the form of average values of the test execution quality, depending on the type of display and its appropriate characteristics, were obtained by means of the software application developed by our team in the C# language in the Unity3D environment and the methodology to assess the reaction rates after a series of experiments. This allowed us to draw up a conclusion that the use of LCD screens with an IPS matrix and a larger screen diagonal is preferable. However, it is worth paying attention to the cutting-edge LED displays, which are characterized by brighter and more saturated colors of the image, in comparison with the mentioned LCD screens, which can be applicable for the specific tasks of aviation personnel.

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