
In poultry farming, great emphasis is placed on the prevention of stresses, including technological ones, which are associated with the intensity of the cultivation and use of poultry in industrial enterprises. The parent flock of poultry farms in the country is being updated by the importation of an incubation egg or daily chickens from the producing country. This leads to transport stress in chickens. It was established that before stress in two linear (group I) and four linear chickens (group II) leukogram parameters corresponded to normal limits, which reflected the physiological level of the body's overall resistance, but in the bloodstream of the hens obtained at the poultry farm, the number of leukocytes, basophils, eosinophils, segmented pseudo-eosinophils was greater, and the number of lymphocytes and monocytes was less. The formation of a stress reaction was accompanied by shifts in the cellular composition of the blood, which were typical for the action of any stress factor. So, in group II chickens, immediately and 1 hour after the simulated stress, the total number of leukocytes increased by 13.35–20.14% (p<0.05). In group I, in the body of two linear hens, the stress reaction was sluggishly current and longer in time. Consequently, the signs of a stress reaction did not stop in the birds during the indicated period, that is, chickens imported from abroad had a low adaptive potential. Their shifts increased gradually and reached a maximum only 24 hours after the action of the stress factor. The revealed features of changes in the leukogram in chickens imported from Germany under the influence of stress are a consequence of their transportation at the age of 24. Keywords: Chickens; Cross; Leukogram; Stress factors   References Belay, T., Teeter, R. G. (1993). 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