
Procurement Procedures intergrate various institutions’activities, synchronizing production and support relevant functions of the institution ranging from need identification until the final satisfactory delivery is made and the supplier paid. The main objective of this study was to establish the influence of procurement procedures on the performance of public institutions in Rwanda. The study employed a descriptive approach on the influence of procurement procedures on the performance of public institutions in Rwanda. The target population for the study was 76 employees of EDCL Kigali Headquarter, from three different functional departments. The study had a sample size of 64 respondents drawn from employees of those three departments of EDCL. Slovirn and yarmen’s formula was applied in determining sample size of the respondents. Questionaires were used in this study as a principle data collection tool to gather views from respondents and documentary review to collect secondary data. Collected data was first edited, formatted, and arranged for coding into the statistical package for social science (SPSS) program. The generated parameters from SPSS were presented in tables for easier interpretation. The relationship between the independent and dependent variables was analyzed by the use of Multiple Linear Regression. The study established that procurement process, procurement indicators and procurement strategies influenced above 75% of the total variability in the performance of the institution. This was a significant influence thus the study recommended the adherence on this procurement procedure in all procurement functions in the public institutions. The study further recommended the adoptation of ISO (International Organisation Standards) especially on quality management and antibribery management systems and the use of internal auditors who are specifically trained to audit the implementation of institutions’ operating procedures (SOPs) in respective departments.

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