
Under the guidelines of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), BPBD is a non-ministerial government agency that carries out disaster management tasks in regions, provinces, or cities or districts. In addition, the BPBD of Lumajang Regency was established in 2011. This study examin the influence of OCB, motivation, and work discipline on employee performance (a case study of the Lumajang Regency BPBD Office). This study uses a quantitative approach. This study invoved 46 non-ASN respondents, who were collected throught distributed questionnaires. The sampling technique uses a census or saturated sampling. Thr hypothesis was tested by multiple regression analysis. The result of the hypothesis test or t test are as follows: 1) OCB significantly affects the performance of BPBD Lumajang Regency employees; 2) Motivation significantly affects the performance of BPBD Lumajang Regency employees; 3) The performance of employees at the Lumajang Regency BPBD Office is strongly influenced by work discipline; 4) OCB, motivation, and work discipline are variables that give a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0,727 or 72.7% of employee performance.

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