
The studies were carried out on the basis of the laboratory of breeding technologies of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center of Bast Crops" (Tver region) in 2016, 2018, 2021. The purpose of the research is to determine appropriate mineral composition of the selective medium for effective in vitro selection for resistance to anthracnose. Various mineral composition media were studied. It was found that it is possible to use nutrient media Gamborg, MS, SH-2, which do not contain vitamins, chelate complex and phytohormones, in order to obtain cultural filtrates of fungus strains - the causative agent of flax anthracnose. The culture filtrates obtained on the basis of these media were highly toxic and it was possible to use them for in vitro selection. It was noted that the callus formed on the basis of hypocotyl segments had a higher ability for morphogenesis compared to the callus formed on the basis of immature embryos. As for selective medium consisting of mineral salts of Gamborg medium and cultural filtrate, the proportion of formed morphogenic callus was the smallest in all genotypes taken in the study and amounted to 0.1–6.8%. Mineral composition of the selective medium and the morphogenetic potential of the genotype influenced the formation of morphogenic callus based on primary callus. Depending on the genotype, the proportion of morphogenic calli formed on Gamborg medium + CF was 0.1 - 2.2%, on MS medium + CF - 3.3 - 8.0%, on Sh-2 medium + CF - 3.4 – 8.1%, respectively. Mineral composition of the selective medium had no significant effect on formation of morphogenic cells based on transplanted callus. The proportion of morphogenic callus was 3.0–5.2% for Lenok variety; 3.0 - 5.4% - Rosinka; 0.1 - 4.3% - Zaryanka; 3.1 - 5.5% - for L 2053-5-11 line; 6.1 - 7.4% - L 957-8-7. The breeding lines L 2053-5-11 and L 957-8-7 had a high morphogenetic potential.

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