
Precipitation effects in age-hardenable Mg-13wt.%Tb alloy were investigated in this work. The solution treated alloy was subjected to isochronal annealing and decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution was investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy combined with transmission electron microscopy, electrical resistometry, differential scanning calorimetry and microhardness measurements. Peak hardening was observed at 200°C due to precipitation of finely dispersed particles of β phase with the D019structure. Vacancy-like defects associated with β phase particles were detected by positron annihilation. At higher temperatures precipitation of β and subsequently β phase takes place. Formation of these phases lead to some additional hardening and introduces open volume defects at precipitate/matrix interfaces. To elucidate the effect of plastic deformation on the precipitation sequence we studied also a Mg-13wt.%Tb alloy with ultra fine grained structure prepared by high pressure torsion. In the ultra fine grained alloy precipitation of the β phase occurs at lower temperature compared to the coarse grained material and the peak hardening is shifted to a lower temperature as well. This effect can be explained by enhanced diffusivity of Mg and Tb atoms due to a dense network of grain boundaries and high density of dislocations introduced by severe plastic deformation. Moreover, dislocations and grain boundaries serve also as nucleation sites for precipitates. Hence, precipitation effects are accelerated in the alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation.

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