
A new adaptive mesh refinement algorithm is proposed for solving Eulerdiscretization of state- and control-constrained optimal controlproblems. Our approach is designed to reduce the computational effortby applying the inexact restoration (IR) method, a numerical methodfor nonlinear programming problems, in an innovative way. The initialiterations of our algorithm start with a coarse mesh, which typicallyinvolves far fewer discretization points than the fine mesh over whichwe aim to obtain a solution. The coarse mesh is then refinedadaptively, by using the sufficient conditions of convergence of theIR method. The resulting adaptive mesh refinement algorithm isconvergent to a fine mesh solution, by virtue of convergence of the IRmethod. We illustrate the algorithm on a computationally challengingconstrained optimal control problem involving a container crane.Numerical experiments demonstrate that significant computationalsavings can be achieved by the new adaptive mesh refinement algorithmover the fixed-mesh algorithm. Conceivably owing to the small numberof variables at start, the adaptive mesh refinement algorithm appearsto be more robust as well, i.e., it can find solutions with a muchwider range of initial guesses, compared to the fixed-mesh algorithm.


  • Optimal control problems have many applications in science and engineering and, due to their importance, finding solutions of these problems accurately and efficiently is of considerable interest

  • We propose a variant of the fixed-mesh IR (FMIR) algorithm, by allowing the initial iterations to be carried out with a coarser mesh, typically much coarser than the fine mesh over which one aims to obtain a solution

  • We develop an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) approach by employing the flexible features of the inexact restoration (IR) method, which we present

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Optimal control problems have many applications in science and engineering and, due to their importance, finding solutions of these problems accurately and efficiently is of considerable interest. The AMR approach for optimal control problems has been studied in [17], where refinement of the mesh is based on a local error produced by applying Runge-Kutta discretization and the resolution of an integer linear programming problem. Another mesh refinement technique is introduced in [30] with the refinement based on a mesh density function, which generates a nonuniform mesh by suitably allocating the grid points over the entire time interval.

The Optimal Control Problem and Its Approximation
IR for Optimal Control
Adaptive Mesh Refinement
AMR using IR
Adaptive-Mesh IR Algorithm
Numerical Experiments
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