
A FIA indirect spectrophotometric determination of ascorbic acid was developed using its reducing action on Fe(III) in acidic medium and following the spectrophotometric determination of the reduced iron by using sodium 3-(2-pyridyl)-5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazine-4′,4″-disulphonate (ferrozine) as chromogenic reagent in buffered medium (pH 5.5) and monitoring the absorbance signal at 562 nm. A three-line manifold with two reaction coils was used: in the first reaction coil, ascorbic acid reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II); and in the second one, the complexation reaction is developed. The linear range of the method was 0.5–10 μg ml −1 of ascorbic acid, the detection limit being 0.028 μg ml −1. The proposed method was sensitive, rapid (sampling rate of 90 samples h −1) and reproducible (RSD 0.19%, n=10). Satisfactory results were obtained in the determination of ascorbic acid in pharmaceutical preparations, fruit juices and urine testifying the applicability of the method to real samples.

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