
Decent work is an important instrument to promote social inclusion and guarantee people’s citizenship and dignity. This aspect is especially relevant for people with disabilities (PWD), who historically face high rates of social exclusion. Given this scenario, there are public policies aimed at promoting the social inclusion of these people, in which the job market is one of the fundamental pillars. Thus, supported by the precepts of social inclusion, this research aimed to understand the difficulties faced by both people and organizations in the inclusion of people with disabilities, through an analysis of scientific production over the last 10 years in the Spell/Anpad database . This work was expected to show that companies play a fundamental role in the process of inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD), as they can hire, maintain and promote the skills and talents of each individual through work. However, it is important to highlight that the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market should not be seen only as a legal obligation based on numbers, on quotas, but rather as an opportunity to combat prejudices rooted in society in relation to people with disabilities, adapting the work to the needs of each employee.

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