
Abstract. Since 2012, a long-term in situ corrosion experiment (IC-A) has been conducted in the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland. The aims of the project with international partners are to confirm the long-term anaerobic corrosion rate of carbon steel and copper in compacted bentonite under repository-relevant environmental conditions, to gather in situ corrosion data supporting canister lifetime predictions, to provide confirmation of the effect of the bentonite buffer on microbial activity and microbially influenced corrosion, and to study the effects of welding (steel) and deposition technique (copper) on the corrosion properties of these candidate materials for disposal canisters. To date, carbon steel and cold sprayed and electrodeposited copper coatings have been retrieved after different exposure periods up to 3 years and characterised to establish the composition of the corrosion product, the morphology of the corroded surface, and to measure the rate of corrosion. For carbon steel specimens, a complex corrosion product was identified, consisting predominantly of magnetite. Low average anaerobic corrosion rates were measured for carbon steel and a very modest amount of alteration was identified on copper. The density and the initial form of the bentonite had a small influence on the rate of corrosion, across all materials.


  • Carbon steel and cold sprayed and electrodeposited copper coatings have been retrieved after different exposure periods up to 3 years and characterised to establish the composition of the corrosion product, the morphology of the corroded surface, and to measure the rate of corrosion

  • Low average anaerobic corrosion rates were measured for carbon steel and a very modest amount of alteration was identified on copper

  • Dichte und Ausgangsform des Bentonits hatten über alle Materialien einen geringen Einfluss auf die Korrosionsrate

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Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal Open Access In situ corrosion of canister materials in bentonite: the IC-A experiment at Mont Terri Nikitas Diomidis1 and Bharti Reddy2 1Nagra, Hardstrasse 73, PF 280, 5430

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