
The publication contains information about the life and work of an outstanding scholar, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, historian Alter Lvovich Litvin, who passed away on March 6, 2023. The basic milestones of his life and creative way are reproduced, the results of his scientific research are described, and his contribution to the study and development of historiography, source study, archeography and history of Soviet society is revealed. Special attention is given to the research of A. Litvin on the history and historiography of the Russian Civil War and the history of the so-called “petty bourgeois” socialist parties as well as his groundbreaking studies of red and white terror in Russia which are highly regarded by both Russian and foreign historians. The significant place in A.L. Litvin's creative heritage is taken by his works on regional history – books and publications of sources about Civil War in the Volga region, about the bodies that carried out «revolutionary violence» – provincial Emergency Commission (Cheka) and its staff, about the tragic fate of their victims. The article shows organizational and pedagogical activity of A.L. Litvin as a founder of department of historiography and source study at Kazan University and founder of scientific school.
 Fot citation: Malysheva S.Yu., Salnikova A.A. In memory of Alter Lvovich Litvin (1931–2023). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.2, pp.143–150. https://doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2023-13-2.143-150 (In Russian)

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