
The background of this research is the low reading comprehension skills of students and students' reading interest who are lacking in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. This study discusses how students' reading comprehension skills use the Speed ​​Reading method in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. This study aims to improve students' reading comprehension skills using the Speed ​​Reading method in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. In the Speed ​​Reading learning approach, the activities carried out include: 1) Pre-reading, 2) While reading, 3) Post-reading. The place of this research was held in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City, where there were 24 people. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the Speed ​​Reading method in each cycle shows significant results. This can be seen in the pre-reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 69.78% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.95% with very good criteria (A). It can be said that the use of the Speed ​​Reading method can increase students' reading comprehension skills. When reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 67.91% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.58% with very good criteria (A) based on the percentage it can be said that the use of the Speed ​​Reading method can increase students' reading comprehension skills. After reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 69.79% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.16% with very good criteria (A) based on the percentage it can be said that the use of the Speed ​​Reading method can improve skills reading comprehension of students. That: students' reading comprehension skills using the Speed ​​Reading method increased from cycle I to cycle II with an average value of cycle I 69.16% and cycle II 89.98% increasing in class V SDN 37 Anduring Padang City.

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