
The status, number, distribution and habitat use of rare and vulnerable bird species occurring in the mires of eastern and south-eastern Lithuania are analysed. The data concerning rare and vulnerable bird species were collected mainly during the countrywide inventory of all potential Lithuanian Ramsar areas in 1996-1999. During our investigations it was established that the Cepkeliai, Beržalotas-Aisputiskės and Kernavas mire complexes are of critical importance to the preservation of biodiversity in the whole Eastern Baltic Region. Numerous vulnerable bird species were also recorded in other mires of eastern Lithuania, like Purviniskės, Kanis, Pusnis, Smalvas, Algirdėnai, Kretuonykstis and Baltasamanė. From 10 to 15 bird species included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania were recorded in these mire complexes. Rare and vulnerable bird species characteristic of eastern Lithuania (included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania or into the List of European Conservation Concern) are Black Grouse (Tetrao tetri...

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