
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers in the pedagogical college system. The article reveals the essence of the methodology for the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers, which is implemented in three stages (stimulation-motivational – formation of motivation, adaptation of students to the conditions of the experiment; activity – implementation of pedagogical conditions in the classroom and outside the classroom for the effective formation of sociocultural competence ; correctiveresultative – analysis and correction of results) and the veracity of the research hypothesis was verified according to the effectiveness of statistical and mathematical indicators. In the aspect of our previous studies, it was revealed that in the structure of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers, information-cognitive, motivational-value, and practical-activity components are distinguished. The criteria for determining the level of formation of the information-cognitive component of the socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers are axiological, linguistic-cultural, and practical-communicative. The developed criteria and indicators made it possible to distinguish four conditional levels of formation of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training in the conditions of a pedagogical college: high, sufficient, basic and elementary levels. Research has proven a positive influence on the formation of sociocultural competence of students of the Pedagogical College of the disciplines of psychological and pedagogical and special training. Expanding the content of professional disciplines by adding texts, exercises, audio and video files of a socio-cultural orientation has a positive effect on the development of their socio-cultural competence as an individual’s ability through adequate understanding and respect for other languages and cultures to manifest an active and responsible life in society.

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