
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that has been gaining greater presence in different sectors, among which we find education, marketing, training, tourism, among others. Augmented reality can be consumed in two ways, one is by creating an application that is installed on a smartphone or tablet and the second is through web environments (Web AR). Through the use of a web platform, a tour is developed through the tourist places named below in the township of San Martín Texmelucan Puebla, Mexico: Iglesia El Carmen, Antigua fábrica textil El Carmen, Parroquia de San Martín Obispo de Tours, Monumento a la Unificación Obrera, Complejo Cultural Texmeluquense and Antígùa estación Ferroviaria. Within the AR Web, it allows you to see the locations, the map and show the route to follow to reach the tourist place. When you reach the destination, within a pre-established radius, you will be able to see information and an image or video representative of the place. For the development, the following steps were followed: determining the tourist places, collecting relevant information about each place (description, images, latitude and longitude), creating the scene and content, testing and adjusting the scene, and finally sharing the link.

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