
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia since the beginning of 2020 and is still continuing. The education sector has experienced a considerable impact, face-to-face learning must be replaced with all-online activities. Many problems arise from online learning, such as inadequate infrastructure, an ineffective learning system and difficulties in understanding the material. Medical education has an impact on the current situation because most of the learning uses infrastructure and direct practice, it is necessary to have alternative learning methods that can improve the quality of learning. Currently, video conference media technology can assist learning activities so that instructors can still explain material to students through virtual media. For medical students who need practice and infrastructure facilities, this technology is still not enough to support their learning media. The idea came up “Application of Learning Module in Health Field based on Extended Reality (sub chapter: Augmented Reality)” This application combines Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality. Augmented reality is a technology that is suitable to be implemented in medical learning because students do not need to prepare anything to perform simulations, just devices and internet networks. For feeding and drinking to the elderly, some items are needed to start the practicum, with this augmented reality there is no need to prepare all of these items, and also reduce contact with other people during a pandemic like this. Users can connect to each other in different devices and environments according to their respective devices. In this application, Augmented Reality acts as a technology that combines the real and virtual worlds by adding virtual objects into the real world. Users can use devices that have cameras such as cellphones or laptops so they can see virtual objects. This virtual object can be seen by all users and each user is able to interact with it in real time. As for the temporary test results, it was found that Augmented Reality has been tested and integrated with other immersive technologies with Web-XR. Interaction in Augmented Reality on Web-XR using a touch screen as well as several nursing SOP have been created and simulated using Augmented Reality technology. As for the final test in this final project, Augmented Reality technology based on WebXR has been running smoothly according to the specifications of the device used to open WebXR. If the device used to access WebXR has a high specification, then WebXR will run optimally, otherwise when the device specification is low, WebXR will not run optimally. The interaction used in WebXR-based Augmented Reality is touchscreen. The author tested this system to the user, the user here is a medical student. testing proves that this system is very helpful in terms of efficiency, users don't need to prepare tools repeatedly when they want to do simulations, just open WebXR and users can do the simulations provided. In testing the system, the author uses the PIECES framework (Performance, Information, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, Service) and produces an average score of 4.1. Then the user is categorized as satisfied with the system that was built.

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