
SOURCE 2.0 is the Canadian computer program for calculating fractional release of fission products from the UO2 fuel matrix. In nuclear accidents, fission-product release from fuel is one of the physical steps required before radiation dose from fission products can affect the public. Fission-product release calculations are a step in the analysis path to calculating dose consequences to the public from postulated nuclear accidents. SOURCE 2.0 contains a 1997 model of fission-product vaporization by B.J. Corse et al. based on lookup tables generated with the FACT computer program. That model was tractable on computers of that day. However, the understanding of fuel thermochemistry has advanced since that time. Additionally, computational resources have significantly improved since the time of the development of the Corse model and now allow incorporation of the more-rigorous thermodynamic treatment. Combining the newer Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) thermodynamic model of irradiated uranium dioxide fuel, a new model for fission-product vaporization from the fuel surface, a commercial user-callable thermodynamics subroutine library (ChemApp), an updated nuclide list, and updated nuclear physics data, a prototype computer program based on SOURCE IST 2.0P11 has been created that performs thermodynamic calculations internally. The resulting prototype code (with updated and revised data) provides estimates of 140La releases that are in better agreement with experiments than the original code version and data. The improvement can be quantified by a reduction in the mean difference between experimental and calculated release fractions from 0.70 to 0.07. 140La is taken to be representative of “low-volatile” fission products. To ensure that the existing acceptable performance for noble gases and volatile fission products is not adversely affected by the changes, comparisons were also made for a representative noble gas, 85Kr, and a representative volatile fission-product, 134Cs. These nuclides have the largest dataset in the SOURCE 2.0 validation test suite. This improvement provides increased confidence in the safety margin for equipment qualification in Loss-of-Coolant Accidents with Loss of Emergency Core Cooling.

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