
Improving the quality of education is a top priority in all educational institutions. Likewise with MAN 2 Serang City as an Islamic educational institution that is in the process of becoming an educational institution that has quality and even becomes a quality educational institution. To achieve this, it continues to be carried out by implementing the boarding school education system, as the flagship program of madrasas.This research is a field research (filed research) which is descriptive qualitative in nature, with the goal to be achieved by researchers is a factual description by collecting data used through observation, interviews, and documentation, triangulation, member checks and field notes. While the results of this study show that: 1) the boarding school education system in improving the quality of education in terms of planning, implementation and evaluation. All of which have been included in the madrasah work program plan. Such as planning goals, and preparing boarding school learning programs. From the implementation it has been running well, each foster parent has implemented a boarding school education system in accordance with a predetermined program plan. Then from the evaluation it focuses more on supervision which is carried out periodically, as an indicator of implementation. 2) the obstacles that occur in the implementation of the boarding school education system can be seen from internal and external factors, namely the lack of interest and willingness of students to stay in boarding schools, lazy to study independently. From the external factors themselves, there are environmental influences and bad associations. 3) the efforts made in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of the boarding education system are by making students socialize with good people from a good environment, guiding students in changing bad habits, taking a personal approach to students who are lazy to study. If all of this can be done, it is inevitable that students will rise and have the enthusiasm to learn, then the boarding school education system at MAN 2 Serang City will run according to the expectations of the madrasa, teachers and parents of students.

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