
The development of the world of technology cannot be avoided, educational institutions as centers of education and learning must follow these technological developments so that they can exist more. In the industrial era 4.0 which was marked by advances in information and communication technology, accelerating and providing various kinds of convenience in accessing information and data on various aspects of life. This acceleration and convenience has become a necessity and a lifestyle. Therefore, schools as educational institutions that have various kinds of data must be willing to make changes, adjust to these demands, so that the education and learning process can take place properly, quickly, and accurately. Schools must take advantage of information and communication technology. Carry out the education and learning process online. Consequently, it must have facilities and infrastructure, in the form of information and communication technology. However, the reality in the field is that not all schools have and apply this technology, due to various limitations, financial and workforce quality. The problem then is, is this true, information and communication technology is a major need, without this technology learning cannot take place optimally, the continuity of the institution and its existence is threatened. From here the researcher was moved to research on the implementation of information systems online. Aims to find out and understand the effectiveness of online information system implementation in Era 4.0 as a database and educational information service center at the Krian 1 Muhammadiyah Primary School.
 This type of qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach (field research). This study used data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documents. The collected data were analyzed through 3 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. To check the validity of the data, triangulation was used.
 The results obtained from this study are the implementation of the Muhammadiyah Education Information System (Sidikmu) in the administrative services of the Al Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, and Arabic education assessment system in the Industrial era 4.0 at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Sioarjo implemented in integral automation. An information system that not only functions as a database but also as a center for educational information services for student guardians. So that educational institutions can move according to the era which is completely online and instant. Sidikmu is effective and efficient in improving the quality and productivity of the ISMUBA education assessment system administration services at SD Muhamadiyah 1 Krian, Sidoarjo. The effectiveness and efficiency of Sidikmu's work automatically integrate all existing data in schools, making it easier for the administrative process for assessments, especially on ISMUBA subjects. The main obstacle is that not all Ismuba teachers master the technology, so training is needed, the provision of facilities, and guaranteed awards for Creative and Innovative Ismuba teachers


  • Abstrak: Perkembangan dunia teknologi tidak dapat dihindari, lembaga pendidikan sebagai sebagai pusat pendidikan dan pembelajaran harus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi tersebut, agar bisa lebih eksis

  • In the industrial era 4.0 which was marked by advances in information and communication technology

  • From here the researcher was moved to research on the implementation of information systems

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Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) dari masa ke masa senantiasa berkembang. Perkembangan teknologi hendaknya membuat kita terpacu untuk terus belajar agar tidak tertinggal dari bangsa - bangsa lain. B. Efektifitas dan efisiensi Sistem Informasi Pendidikan Muhamamadiyah pada peningkatan kualitas dan produktifitas layanan administrasi sistem penilaian Pendidikan Al Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan dan Bahasa Arab Era 4.0 di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Sidoarjo Sidikmu memberikan Sekolah pusat data berbasis daring, yang dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun, tidak terkendala oleh tempat dan waktu memiliki fungsi memberikan media Sistem Informasi Online kepada sekolah sehingga sekolah dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman saat ini. Waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh Sidikmu untuk bekerja sangat singkat dan mampu meringkas pekerjaan dari tenaga pendidik, karena semua sudah terintegrasikan dalam sistem ketika pendidik menginputkan nilainya setiap proses pelaksanaan penilaian, berbeda dengan manual Bapak dan Ibu Guru harus mengolah terlebih dahulu nilai yang telah dikumpulkan sehingga bisa menjadi raport, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Sidikmu lebih efisien dalam aspel waktu. Selain itu juga ada beberapa guru yang kesulitan terhadap penggunaan pembelajaran daring karena tidak terbiasa dengan hal tersebut, terutama pada tenaga pendidik agama yang latar belakang pendidikannya adalah madrasah atau pondok pesantren sehingga kurang dalam mengenal TIK. Kepala Sekolah dengan menghadirkan Sistem Informasi ini merupakan upaya untuk memudahkan pekerjaan administrasi pendidikan agar dapat lebih fokus terhadap inovasi media serta metode dalam pembelajaran

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