
The problem of poverty is a classic problem that occurs in every country, both developed countries and developing countries like Indonesia. In every country, there are many programs carried out by the government to overcome the problem of poverty, one of which is the RASKIN program carried out by the Indonesian government. The method used to complete this research is SMARTER (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks). During the Covid 19 pandemin, which is currently happening, various kinds of assistance are needed for middle and lower class people in rural areas, thus to distribute assistance, assistance distribution techniques are needed so that it reaches the right people. The SMARTER method was chosen because it is a form of decision support model used in decision making with multi attributes that will be used to solve decision-making problems. The research was conducted in Sei Beluru Village, Meranti District, Asahan Regency. In Sei Beluru Village, several criteria were obtained from direct observation of the field, namely the area of the house floor, the type of floor of the house, the type of house wall, the toilet facilities, the source of drinking water, lighting, materials. fuel used, frequency of eating, ability to buy meat, ability to buy clothes, ability to seek treatment, monthly income, education of the head of household, ownership of assets. Decision support systems using the Smarter method are able to analyze data on people who are entitled to receive Raskin assistance. The results obtained from this study are that from several prospective recipients of Raskin assistance with the specified criteria, it is found that the most prioritized alternative has the highest value of 0.603 using the Smarter method.


  • Peningkatan kesejateraan rakyat menjadi prioritas dalam rencana pembangunan jangkah menengah nasional, yang meliputi 5 sasaran pokok yaitu: pengurangan kemiskinan dan pengangguran, pengurangan kesenjangan antar wilayah, peningkatan kualitas manusia, perbaikan mutu lingkungan hidup, pengelolahan sumber daya alam, serta penigkatan infratrusktur[1]

  • a classic problem that occurs in every country

  • by the government to overcome the problem of poverty

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Peningkatan kesejateraan rakyat menjadi prioritas dalam rencana pembangunan jangkah menengah nasional, yang meliputi 5 sasaran pokok yaitu: pengurangan kemiskinan dan pengangguran, pengurangan kesenjangan antar wilayah, peningkatan kualitas manusia, perbaikan mutu lingkungan hidup, pengelolahan sumber daya alam, serta penigkatan infratrusktur[1]. Jika proses pengambilan keputusan tersebut dibantu oleh sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang terkomputerisasi, subjektifitas dalam pengambilan keputusan diharapkan bisa dikurangi dan diganti dengan pelaksanaan seluruh kriteria bagi seluruh calon penerima bantuan Raskin. Berdasarkan jurnal penelitian yang telah ada [4] berkesimpulan bahwa penggunaan metode SMARTER Sistem dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan tingkat kesejateraan masyarakat karena fleksibel dalam penambahan atau pengurangan kriteria dan alternative serta perhitungan yang sederhana. Metode SMARTER[7][8] mendapatkan hasil perhitungan untuk calon penerima untuk dana bantuan dengan menggunakan sepuluh kriteria dan 12 alternatif sebagai calon peneirma dana bantuan didapatkan tiga data yang diprioritaskan untuk mendapatkan dana bantuan rumah yang tidak layak di huni.[9] hasil penelelitian yang dilakukan akan menghasilkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang digunakan untuk memabantu desa Sei beluru Kecamatan Meranti dalam merekomendasikan penerima bantuan raskin dimasa covid 19

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