
In the decision-making process to determine the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance which is commonly carried out at BFI Finance Medan, there is a problem in finding the final decision as a result of determining the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance, namely determining the service for receiving tuition loan assistance that is classified as not. effective because it takes a long time to re-analyze the data that is the criterion for receiving tuition loan assistance, this causes the presentation of decision-making data for determining the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance is categorized as ineffective and inaccurate to achieve the main vision in BFI Finance Medan. In this study, to solve the problems that occurred at BFI Finance Medan in terms of making decisions to determine the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance, researchers developed a decision-making system at BFI Finance Medan into a computer system, namely building a decision support system application using a language. programming which later can be used as a specific alternative to solve problems that occur at BFI Finance Medan, especially determining the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance. The decision support system method used in the development of the eligibility decision support system to receive tuition loan assistance at BFI Finance Medan in this study is the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method. The Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method is a transparent multi-attribute decision-making method so that this method provides a high understanding of the problem and can be accepted by decision makers. The multi-attribute decision-making technique in the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method is used to support decision makers in choosing several alternatives effectively and efficiently. The results of this study are expected to facilitate BFI Finance Medan in making decisions to determine the eligibility of receiving tuition loan assistance at BFI. Finance Medan with accurate data in a fast time. Keywords : Decision Support System, Acceptance, Cost, Education, SMARTER Method

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