
SMP Negeri 4 Tanjung Morawa is one of the schools that has implemented the Merdeka Curriculum since July, 2021. The Merdeka Curriculum is an option for learning recovery due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of the Independent Curriculum is to provide learning flexibility for teachers and students stipulated in the independent learning program. Differentiated learning is a learning approach in an independent curriculum that facilitates students in a fun learning process. Differentiated learning is designed based on the needs of students which include aspects of content, processes and products. The purpose of this study is that SMP Negeri 4 Tanjung Morawa can improve the quality of learning through a differentiated learning approach. From the calculation results using the Likert scale, differentiated learning on practical data presentation material of 72.53%. Overall, the implementation of the independent curriculum at SMP Negeri 4 Tanjung Morawa is quite good, but schools still need improvements in both teacher readiness, student readiness and school readiness in facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of the independent curriculum.

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