
Capital market sector is one of the financial services which quite dynamic in progress. Capital market transactions have varied characteristics and complexity. In its practices, many factors may motivate legal dispute in capital market in which mostly not settled in litigation way. The investors avoid settle their dispute through litigation mostly because of its formalistic procedure, time consume, and uncertainty of the result because of distrust against court system. The Indonesian Supreme Court has enacted Supreme Court Regulation No. 5 of 2015 concerning Small Claims Procedure as an effort to reform civil justice system which is simplify and expedite. The small claim procedure may offer dispute settlement which simple and quick, however it is limited with the claim value up to Rp200 millions, while mostly capital market transaction has greater value than Rp200 millions. This article will discuss the implementation of the small claims procedure in investor dispute settlement in the capital market. Moreover, this article also elaborates the advantages and disadvantages of small claims procedure in settling investor dispute as a protection to the consumer in capital market.

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