
Early detection of diseases became a big task for early medication. To detect these diseases, sensors with antibody-antigen combinations play important role. From the past several years, one of the prominent sensor structures to obtain the requirement consists of Silicon nanowire. The major impact of Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistor (Si-NW FET) structures respond to small change in the gate length and type of silicon material concentration as a gate material. Si-NW material in the range of nano regime, because of their property gate has higher surface to volume ratio. Hence, high surface to volume ratio of Si-NW FETs results better performance for the various sensing applications. For obtaining high surface to volume ratio is challenging due to high in fabrication cost and design constrains. In this paper presents to optimization and improve the performance of Si-NW FET with altering different parameters like gate length and doping concentrations of silicon material. The device is simulated using TCAD software with different gate length and type silicon materials with phosphorous (n-type) and boron (p-type) doping concentrations performance are obtained with drain current (Ids) and compares all the obtained resistivity values and that leads to the better performance of the device.

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