
The quality of education is one of the most important and key issues of state policy. It directly affects the dynamics of economic and social development of society, and well-being its citizens. Education is closely related to other social institutions of society and is significantly influenced by global trends, challenges and risks. The pandemic that was announced in March 2020 and the bloody aggression of Russia since February 24, 2022 have been the most dangerous for Ukraine in the last three years. Education in Ukraine has had serious problems for a long time. Among them: low social status and motivation of teachers; lack of objective criteria for evaluating the quality of education; disconnection of specialist training from the needs of society, poor supply of educational institutes with the necessary equipment and facilities, educational materials. Shrinking public finances and cruel policy controls have been pushing teachers to do more work for limited reward. Overworked and underpaid teachers have had to master and comply with centrally imposed learning standards. The negative economic situation, Russia's occupation of Crimea and Donbas also affected education. A significant number of teachers were forced to move to other sectors of the economy, to look for work abroad. With the beginning of Russia's large-scale aggression against Ukraine, these issues became even more acute. Key words: education, teachers, war, learning process, online learning, distance learning, digital skills.

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